Video: Herlings crash at the Strandcross beach race

More bad luck for Jeffrey Herlings as he crashed into a downed lapped rider in a battle for the lead with Kay de Wolf after Herlings had won race one at the Strandcross beach race in Vissingen.

Herlings said on his Instagram story saying, “We’re all good don’t stress.” But they were rumours earlier he had broken his collarbone in the crash that wasn’t his fault. Yet more bad luck for the rapid Dutch rider!

Update – Motocross Planet reported 30 minutes ago that Herlings has indeed broken his collarbone for the second time this season. “A broken collarbone for Jeffrey Herlings Bad news for @jeffrey_herlings84 While leading in the second moto of the beachrace in Vlissingen, he collided with a back marker in the waves and crashed. By the crash he has broken his collarbone! Get well soon Bullet!”