Video: First laps from Hangtown and AMA offically explain Vialle/Deegan penalty decision

See how the track looks at Hangtown ahead of round two of the Lucas Oil Pro Motocross series as Jason Weigandt and Jason Thomas get the AMA to explain their reasons behind giving Tom Vialle a penalty for cutting the track at Pala but not Haiden Deegan!

The AMA even admit the decision, “took too long on Saturday night.” See the reasoning behind the decision from 2 minutes 40 seconds in.

On Deegan… “When Haiden went off the race track he did assess, he looked around, we felt that he did break race pace and for sure he lost time based off our footage, those three areas are what we assessed and decided no penalty.”

On Vialle…”He never broke from race pace, he failed to slow down and when he came back on he really didn’t assess the situation safely, we felt he just jumped back onto the track, so that was a set penalty.”

Get the Hangtown footage and rider’s thoughts below: