Video: Cianciarulo stays positive despite injury ruining 2022 – not retiring

Usually full of energy and enthusiasm, Adam Cianciarulo did an interview with Steve Matthes on PulpMX about coming back after the injuries to get ready for 2023 supercross but, despite saying all the right things and how much he loved the sport, Adam’s tone was not his usual positive, super confident self. And it is leading some to wonder just how ready AC really is for 2023 or is he just even more focused and serious than before and not wanting to go too high or too low?

There is no doubt AC has had some big speed on the 450 but he just can’t stay off the ground and with Matthes bringing up retirement rumours, you wonder just how close AC was to throwing the towel in with so much pain and frustration being thrown at him most seasons but he responded with, “I heard the rumours and no, I am not retiring,” before going on to say, “I feel like I am in a good place, everything I am doing on the bike, everything just feels different…despite the challenges that I’ve had, I am just in a really good place mentally. I am confident I am doing everything I can to deliver the best results I can and that is all I can do… I just love this, I think I love it more than I ever have.”

AC, one of the best and most articulate talkers in the sport, gave great answers as usual but this is the most subdued many will have ever heard him, but he is still talking a good game. Let’s hope he can show his true form again in 2023. Listen below:

Image: Kawasaki