Team GB MXoN Red Bud pre-race quotes

Anstie: “It’s been a lot of fun, I never did what I really wanted too (in the 250 class), Jeffrey always won evertyhign I thought I woudl never ride a 250 again. My SX team folded and the fireppower team called to say come and test the bike and I really enjoyed it. Now I am back on a 250 and i will race the world supercross and AMA next eyar. It’s unreal how it’s worked out, as my first 250 race in a long time it’s going to be a lot of fun.”

Searle: “Just had a couple of days on the bike but i feel good. I done quite well i the British championship, i really like this event and normally one I perform well at. The track looks really good – I’m not too sure about Larocco’s leap – it’s a bit scary!”

Wilson: “Getting the opportinity to be here is very special. I had a goal to be here from the beginning of the year. I told Mark I would really love to be on the team, I feel I am good enough to get good results. This will be my last motocross race. It’s nice to be here, it feels like another race for me here in the States.”