Roczen, Ciancuarulo and Webb with their Loretta Lynn’s memories

It’s Lorreta Lynn’s week and all of America’s future stars are ready for the biggest weeks of their lives.

Ken Roczen, Adam Cianciarulo and Copper Webb look back at their experiences at the Ranch.

Adam Cianciarulo on Instagram: “Growing up, Loretta’s wasn’t just a place I spent a week at every summer. It was the one to win. The place I could show out in front of my heroes, Ricky Carmichael, Mitch Payton, James Stewart, and many others. It was stressful, too. If I failed, what would they think of me? Would I get another ride? Could I still be a pro? It’s funny how much pressure I put on myself. However unnecessary then, I see now how much it prepared me for some of the things I’ve overcome. Not just in the sport, but in life too.

“Now and again, a father and son will come up and ask me for advice, and I give them the same answer.. have fun. I see the kid look at me and roll his eyes. “Have fun? For real? This is too big of a deal for that.” I smile because I know I was him 20 years ago, and I wouldn’t listen to a damn word I said, either! Perspective is great, but sometimes it doesn’t serve you. Sometimes you need to feel the pressure, dig in, and make it happen. But know, one day, you’ll look back and realize how much fun it was. (Ps, the other guy in this photo went on to be pretty good.. you may have heard of him.) Get after it, groms!”

Webb, his bitter rival back then, replied:

While Roczen, who raced it in 2008, said: “I raced Loretta’s one time in 2008. Not the best year for me to do it as i had a broken collarbone earlier and a big start crash in Portugal in EMX2. Broke my collar bone again 8 broken ribs and collapsed lung filled with blood. I barely got to the qualifiers in steel city. We were thinking about not going because it was a tough year and i was still somewhat new to the 250.

“I started racing a 250 at 13 and then i think by Loretta’s i was 14 years old We decided to go anyway as it was like a once in a life time experience for us so we wanted to make some memories and we did! I was like 12 seconds a lap slower than @justinbarcia never experienced heat like that and i also wasn’t used to frikken racing at 6:30 in the morning basically 😆😆😆 hell of a time 😆😆😆 I was supported by @cernicscycle at mini O’s and Loretta’s Anyway…. Have fun everyone 🤘🏽”