Marc de Reuver biography launched at F&H Kawasaki

Saturday evening OPEN, the biography of Marc de Reuver, was presented to a select group of invited guests. Thanks to the organisation of Marc’s team, F&H Kawasaki MX2 Racing Team, and the presence of three of Marc’s greatest examples, grandpa Piet de Reuver, idol Dave Strijbos and team owner Harry Fasé, it was an evening which Marc will never forget.

Due to the last minute announcement of new corona measures, all efforts were made to hold the presentation at an earlier time. Thanks to the flexibility and hard work of all involved, the F&H Kawasaki MX2 Racing Team’s truck and hospitality unit were in perfect working order and the presentation went ahead as planned.

Although he didn’t realise it himself yet, there was also an anniversary to celebrate for Marc. Exactly fifteen years after his victory in the Red Bull Knock Out of 2006, his book is now in his hands. It was an evening never to forget for the Trener, who doesn’t like to be in the spotlight. 

“At first we wanted to make it a surprise party, but I’m glad we didn’t,” concluded writer Tim Gerth, who is happy the book is here. “It has become quite a hefty copy with over 300 pages. I did hear that there are a lot of people for whom this is the first book they are going to read, so we also put 32 pages of photos in there to keep it fun for the cross audience”, he summarized the book with a laugh in numbers. Although the book is on the long side for a sports biography and already full of great stories, Gerth acknowledged that the person Marc de Reuver is hard to capture in one book. “I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say that we could have written at least five books with everything we discussed together,” he said.

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Old acquaintances and great examples

The room was mainly filled with family, old friends and sponsors of Marc. Still, there were a number of people who greeted Marc from a distance for various reasons, including Joshua Coppins, Marc’s favourite teammate, who stressed huge appreciation for the way Marc found his way after his career. “I know that life after your racing career can be terribly difficult. That’s why I’m especially proud of what you’ve achieved after your career and what you’re doing now with F&H. I hope the riders listen to you a little bit, because you have a lot to teach them!”

The first recipients of the book were three examples for Marc. First of all grandpa Piet de Reuver. “You may not know it Grandpa, but you are really an example to me. I’ve always looked up to you”, Marc told his 89 year old grandfather, who had travelled to Moordrecht for this occasion. Marc’s biggest role model as a rider, world champion Dave Strijbos, also received a copy. “Everyone has their own role model and for me that’s always been you, Dave”, Marc said. “Maybe you, like me, could have been World Champion more often, but I admired you for your riding style and always have,” Marc addressed the 1986 Motocross 125cc World Champion. 

Harry Fasé, team owner of the F&H Kawasaki MX2 Racing Team and host of the evening, also received a book. Marc let it be known that he appreciates his ‘boss’ not only as an employer, but especially as a person. “The conversations we have since I started working here, help me a lot as a human being and I’m very grateful for that”, a visibly touched Marc told. “We are extremely proud to have you as a trainer”, Harry Fasé told us. “And we made a deal with each other, didn’t we? We’re going to be world champions! And we won’t stop until we get there. We’re making another big step with the team and I’m looking forward to next year!” To which Marc replied in the affirmative: “We’re going to accelerate again!”

Shamrock and frikandel special

After the toast with ‘Sjampan’ there was plenty of conversation while enjoying Marc’s favourite snack, a special frikandel with ketchup. Thanks in part to the generous hospitality of the Fasé family and the team, the party went on until the short hours permitted by the corona restrictions.

OPEN will be available in the better Dutch and Belgian bookstores around 18 November. A very limited number of hand-signed copies can still be ordered via

About OPEN

In OPEN Marc tells us all about his life on and off the track: from the first moment he stepped on the bike to his career as a trainer. Alongside his sporting career, Marc also talks about his wrong turns in life, the pressure on a top athlete, his struggle to find a ‘steady life’ and the lessons he takes away for today’s youth. After his career as a crosser, De Reuver threw himself into a career as a trainer and already won a world title (in 2017 with Pauls Jonass) and a European title (in 2019 with Roan van de Moosdijk).

Words: Tim Gerth