Kade Walker update – making progress

The last we heard was that Canadian rider, Kade Walker was in a critical condition after crashing whilst competing in an American Enduro race.

Road to Recovery have now posted an update on Walker’s condition and it is positive!

“Hello everyone, and thank you all for your concerns and prayers for Kade. It’s been an enormous blessing, and it’s working. There is a lot to be grateful for as Kade keeps improving day by day. Kade has been able to get his breathing tube out as well as his feeding tube. (Huge milestones at this time) he is starting to wake up and can reply with jesters when asked, like moving body parts or signals. He cannot speak yet, mainly from the breathing tube being in (normal). He does recognize his Mother, Aunt, and Mark and is making considerable improvements in the right direction.

The Family and team can’t thank you guys enough for the extensive prayers, thoughts, and donations you have made to Kade. It’s truly touching in these times. As we have been working through all of these steps, Kade, being from Canada, is not covered for any medical expenses here in the USA until he returns to Canada. Road 2 Recovery is working on this for us to help ensure Kade gets the best possible care while here and helping us fundraise to help cover the costs he will incur. So, thank you to everyone who has helped, and please share the Road to Recovery link with everyone.

We will keep you posted in the next few days with more updates as Kade keeps progressing.

Link to Road2Recovery page for Kade“.