Free practice results: WMX + EMX250 RD1 – Spain

Lotte van Drunen set the pace in the WMX class for the first free practice session of the year – two seconds faster than Courtney Duncan.

Sara Anderson from Denmark was third fastest ahead of Kiara Fontanesi and Larissa Papenmeier.

Home hero, Daniela Guillen was seventh fastest on her RFME GasGas.

In the EMX250 class, it looked like Mathis Valin would go quickest but Cas Valk had other ideas and went fastest on his very last lap.

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Ivano van Erp was fast setting the third fastest lap ahead of Valerio Lata and Francisco Garcia who rounded out the top five.

Joe Brookes set the tenth fastest time with Billy Askew thirteenth.

WMX – Free Practice: 

EMX250 – Free Practice: 

Image: Ray Archer