Febvre on his podium in Switzerland

Romain Febvre has been fast all year but in Switzerland he took his first podium of the season and almost took the GP win! The Frenchman gave his thoughts on the day and progress with the hew factory Kawasaki.

“It was a good weekend for us, the track suits me well,” acknowledged Febvre. “The only thing, I got a good start, I was two times behind Prado but the first turn was a bit of a mess, I got pushed in the first one, went outside and lost some places, the second one I went to far outside and hit the bank and bounced and lost places. I had to work really hard for third today.

“I feel good also with the bike, since Riola we find really good things and I feel I’m just starting my championship now. We had a really good winter, we had a brand new factory bike and we have been testing a lot. At the beginning of the season the setting of the bike wasn’t good enough for me but we know where it come from, in Argentina I tried to survive, I don’t know how we managed second and fifth there because we were not expecting that at all. Riola, physically, I was just not good enough but since then we find something good, this weekend I was close to winning the GP. In two weeks we made a big step, so looking forward to the next race.”

Image: InFront Moto Racing