Febvre on his French GP

Romain Febvre stunned himself to win the French GP (or so he thought) in front on a fervent home crowd despite the bad weather! Febvre was dealing with a thumb injury after casing the triple in practice yesterday but his determination shone today to go 3-2 for the GP win.

But the GP win was unexpected not just because of the injury but also due to losing the second moto lead to Jeffrey Herlings on the last lap – Febvre thought it had cost him the overall win!

Febvre: “With my thumb I didn’t believe what I could do! The first moto I suprised myself and then it started raining and I had a smile on my face, in the team I was like, this is waht I need. I was riding great and then with three or four laps to go I had a bad lap with a lapped rider racing against me and that was not fair. My goggles were full of water and Jeffrey passed me on the last lap so I am a little bit disappointed to not win the race but to win on home soil, it’s been a long time so we will celebrate!

“I didn’t believe it (he had won the overall), because i thought Tim was third, last lap Jeffrey passed me and I thought I had lost the overall win, everyone was cheering and I didn’t understand! I learnt Tim made a mistake and I got the overall 0 the first overall of the year. I don’t know how I managed to do this! My thumb is pretty bad, just happy, ! don’t know what to say!”

UPDATE: Kevin Horgmo and Jeremy Seewer were hit with penalties after the second moto which means Tim Gajser has actually won the GP overall. Brutal for Febvre.