Ryan Dungey impressed many this year with his return to racing always hovering around the top five after 5 years off to finish sixth in the championship. But it looks like he was still a bit disappointed not to be closer to the front despite enjoying his return to racing and after rumours it might race again next year it seems Ryan has decided to go back into retirement with his family taking priority.
Speaking to Michael Lindsay of Vital MX, Ryan said: “For sure got rid of the itch…I wanted the challenge of doing this summer and it was good. I’m not going to keep racing after this, this was the last one. I think i got rid of the itch, for me when i stopped in Vegas in 17 I stopped on top and that’s tough because in a way I couldn’t wait to be done but in a way , coudl I have kept going? You play that in your mind. It’s been five years later now I wanted to see from not riding at all over five years, is it possible to get back to that top level of shape. I think with another off-season and more prep we could get there but yeah, just couldn’t bridge the gap. Those guys are fast.”
Watch the full interview with an honest Dungey on his season, and reasons for not racing again, below:
Image: Align