Carlton Husband clinches the MX2 MX National title

It was a memorable weekend for Barry Moore and Carlton Husband, who earned their first professional titles for the team and rider, respectively. With the Michelin MX Nationals being reduced to just five rounds coming into the weekend, five riders were in a position to win the championship, and it was always going to be down to the wire. 

Carlton would become the first Kawasaki Team Green rider to win the Michelin MX Nationals in the ten years the championship has been running, another first. 

Husband, Brookes, Wainwright, Mitchell and Cole had one eye on the championship; this year, all five have produced some fantastic battles. First blood went to Carlton Husband in race one, who worked his way up from thirty-second position against the 450 & 250 combined to make the most passes. Carlton kept his composure to claim a fantastic sixth place in the 250’s in front of his best friend and England’s number one, Jordan Pickford. With all Carlton’s championship competitors finishing behind him, this set up Carlton nicely for race two. 

State of play! 

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That sixth place put Carlton one point behind the series leader and Carlton’s 2024 teammate Charlie Cole, with one moto remaining. 

Everything to play for in race two Carlton gave team owner Barry Moore a scare when he lost the front whilst in second position. Hearts were pumping, but rival Charlie Cole retired on lap four, putting Carlton in pole position for the title. Now, it was a game of mathematics as the other three riders were still in with a shout of the title, and Joe Brookes was only two points behind. The next fifteen minutes would be the longest of Carton Husband, his family, and his team’s life, but after fourteen laps, Carlton would take the chequered flag and walk away with the Michelin MX Nationals MX2 title for the first time.

For Carlton to win a championship with his family and friends around him was extremely fitting. Like most riders, the family are paramount to the rider’s success and Alan and Barbara, like many parents, have sacrificed so much. For Barry Moore, a dream was achieved, and what made it special was Carlton, who has been on the team for six years. 

Whilst the team reflects on winning the Michelin MX Nationals title this week, Carlton will be looking to secure a top-five position in the championship this weekend. In the next few weeks, Carlton will also be looking to secure the Scottish MX2 Motocross title in what could be a memorable year for the rider, team and all the sponsors and partners. 

Carlton and Barry would like to single out the work of Chris Talbot, who has built a fantastic race bike this year for the team and kept all the bikes in great shape, not missing a beat. 

Barry Moore – Team Owner

I’m so happy for Carlton and his family for winning that first National Championship. It is fantastic for the team, Chris, his mechanic and all the sponsors who help to make this possible. It’s the first Michelin MX Nationals MX2 title for Kawasaki, so I hope this will repay the support Ross Burridge and Kawasaki have shown in the team over the years. I’m buzzing for everyone involved, and it means so much to me with all the time, money and effort I put into the sport I love.

Carlton Husband – 2023 Michelin MX Nationals MX2 Champion

The weekend was such a blur, and I still can’t believe we went into it nine points down and came away as champions. It feels unbelievable. I had to graft in the first race, coming from last to sixth, but the second race was just a whirlwind. I have never been so nervous. I just tried to manage the situation with the help of Chris, my mechanic. When I came across the line and read the pit board message from Chris, the 2023 MX Nationals Champion, it was the best feeling I had had in motocross to date. To deliver for Barry and the team means everything. They have done so much for me; I’m so grateful for what Barry has done for me. I want to thank my sponsors, mam, dad, Leanne and my friends for their continued support. I could only have achieved this with everyone involved.  

Words: Press Release

Image: Phoenix Tools Evenstrokes Kawasaki