Camden Mc Lellan – back in Europe

It was announced that Camden Mc Lellan had signed with the JM Honda Racing team for the 2023 season in a move that will see him step up to race the MX2 World Championship. However, due to visa issues he has been in South Africa but the good news is that he’s made progress with his visa and this week returned to Belgium.

The hard work has already started for Mc Lellan as he’s had the first day at Lommel on his JM Honda and will continue to work hard before the MX2 World Championship gets underway in March.

“After a solid year in the EMX250 category, I will be making the step up to the MX2 World Championship for the 2023 season, under the tent and strict guidance of the JM Honda Racing Team. Jacky and I have been talking about the opportunity since August and we have come to an agreement that is going to work well for both myself and the team, as we look to better myself and the bike throughout the year.

I have ridden a Honda before, back when I was just getting onto an 85cc, but that was nothing like the newer models so I am looking forward to the new machine and working with the team to get the most out of it, Mc Lellan stated when he signed with the JM Honda team.