We asked Adam Bailey why the WSX series started so early compared to 2022 and if it was sustainable to have the series in the middle of the MXGP and AMA MX seasons, and he he explained logistics forced the British GP to be in July, but the series won’t be starting this early next year!
“It’s not ideal to be this early in the year and it’s something we will adapt and change moving forward, said and honest Baiely to our question. “I think next year’s series will see August at the earliest through to November. The reason why we are this early is venue availability. When we were trying to establish a championship last year, there just wasn’t any venues available particularly Premier League venues, literally after this weekend, they re-turf this stadium and there wasn’t any possible chance of coming back any later than this weekend. We decided it was better to take that opportunity and come to an iconic location like Villa Park than not.”
“In the future we will definitely be moving back further into the year just to make it easier on everyone and have a more compact schedule. We acknowledge it’s not ideal to have a big space. We took the opportunity to lock in these venues when we could, now as we continue to move forward we will be able to be more selective I think and get the schedule we really want.”
Watch the full press conference and see our interviews from press day below: