Interview: Jago Geerts – Back racing this weekend

Monster Energy Yamaha Factory MX2 rider Jago Geerts will resume racing this weekend, at the first round of the Czech championship in Dalecin. It will be his first race since the Grand Prix in Valkenswaard, March 8. Team mate Ben Watson decided to wait until August 2 to restart his season – in Magescq, France – after the ‘corona break’.

It’s already more than three months since your last race. How difficult was this corona period for you?

Geerts: “Pretty difficult. Certainly the period in complete lockdown. We were not allowed to ride the bike. It was really boring.”

What was your training program during the lockdown?

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Geerts: “It’s just a matter of maintaining the basic physical condition. Nothing more, nothing less. A bit of fitness, running, cycling, roller skating… I will keep working like that until I know the exact date of the restart of the world championship.”

Did you discover new hobbies, which have nothing to do with motocross, during the lockdown?

Geerts: “I spent a lot of time in the kitchen. I used to cook, but now I suddenly got a lot more time for it. I really love to cook. My favourite dishes? All kinds of pasta. Always healthy.”

How relieved were you when you got the green light to ride the bike again? 

Geerts: “I was so happy to get back on my Yamaha. The first time was so much fun. At that moment, I realised how much I love motocross.”

How rusty were you during that first bike training?

Geerts: “Actually, it was not too bad. You don’t forget how to ride a bike. I quickly had a good feeling on my Yamaha.”

Some riders got more time to recover from an injury. Was this break an advantage or a disadvantage for you?

Geerts: “That’s difficult to say. On one side, it’s maybe a disadvantage because I started strong in the championship. I was in a good rhythm and that was stopped. On the other side, the new calendar suits me maybe even more. We will only know at the end of the season if the break was helpful or not.”

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How far are you now from your best level now?

Geerts: “I guess I’m at 80 percent of my ability. As soon as the new calendar is known, we will start with a more strict and intense training schedule. You can call it fine tuning.”

What about your goals this season? Do they remain the same?

Geerts: “Yes! A podium finish is the minimum this year. I want to fight for the world title.”

There won’t be 20 races this season. Maybe 12 or so. Can you speak about a real championship?

Geerts: “12, 15 or 20 races… it’s the same for everybody. I don’t think it will make a lot of difference.”

Jago, you start racing again this weekend..

Geerts: “I’m bored by only training. I need a race and Dalecin is one of the first possibilities. I want to experience the feeling of a race weekend again. One difference: the result is not important at all.”

Words: Yamaha

Pic: Shot by Bavo