Axel Louis update – seriously injured

Axel Louis suffered from a crash at the opening round of the French Elite series which took place at Lacapelle Marival on the 4th and 5th of March and was air lifted to hosptial.

Louis has been seriously injured and has been in intensive care ever since – the French talent currently can’t feel below his chest. We would like to wish Louis the best with recovery process.

The following message was posted on Louis’ social media:

“Hello, I’m making a small post because I don’t have the strength to answer everyone but I thank you all for supporting me in this ordeal. Basically I fell in Lacapelle Marival and I’m still in intensive care (I can breathe momentarily but it’s complicated because of injuries and infections in the lungs).

I broke a cervical vertebra and one or two thoracic vertebrae, I don’t feel my body below my chest for the moment, I don’t know if it will evolve on this side. In any case, I’m fighting every day even if the time is infinitely long and every second is both physically and mentally painful”.