Isak Gifting injury update – OUT for the season

Isak Gifting has revealed the full extent of his injury picked up whilst competing the latest round of the British Championship. The Swede didn’t even crash but dabbed his feet and as a result has picked up a number of injuries.

Unfortuantely, Gifting will undergo surgery and is now out for the rest of the season which is a big shame.

“Injury update! Two weeks ago at the British championship I had a great day with the team finishing 1-1 in the motos. Unfortunately in moto 2 I just dabbed my foot with two laps to go and felt something broke, managed to finish the race but felt like I had to go make a scan before eventually going to Indonesia. The results showed that beyond breaking the acl and meniscus there’s a list of several more injuries in my knee and it needs surgery. This means a long rehab and I’m now waiting to undergo surgery, I will be out for the rest of the season”.

“It’s truly heartbreaking with my home gp coming up, sitting 8th in the world championship and leading the British championship. I’ve had many people asking what’s going on and I’m sorry for not replying until now. To all my sponsors and supporters, I’m truly sorry but I always regroup and come back! Thanks to my team for being so supportive in all times and thanks to Alexander Brown for babysitting me after I got hurt”, Gifting stated on social media.