Video: Pastrana’s final trick?

Travis Pastrana looks to be finally retiring from dirt bikes at the top level due to requiring a knee replacement (or two). But there was one new trick he wanted to try before the operations needed to put him back together…but in typical Travis fashion, he got hurt just before he tried it!

This is what Travis wrote on social media during recovery from his knee surgery about his final chapter on two wheels – or is it? “Writing this from the post op room after having my first knee replacement. I’ve wanted to see if this trick was possible since my mind was blown when I watched @kaihaase810 nose-bonk a scissor-lift mid-jump and spin himself into a front flip on a dirt bike back in 2019. I had this set up in 2020 to try for the credits of gymkhana but landed a double flip KOD awkwardly on an airbag and dislocated / broke my wrist for the final time and went straight into surgery to get it fused. I took 2021 off from bikes, then broke my back, pelvic, urethra, tailbone etc at the start of 2022 which took the rest of the year to recover from.

“My knee and my hip are pretty well shot and it’s been prohibitive for me to stay in shape or even play with my kids the way I want to.. so I decided that before I start my journey into becoming the bionic man and working to get my body capable of the life I want to live, this trick had to be tried. Unfortunately, I broke my hand on the “warm up trick” pretending I was @axellhodges and was only able to take this to a bag.. but it proved it can be done. @banks169 also did a worlds first but only on a pit bike because it rained before he had a chance to gear up. Check out @channel199_ on YouTube to see my last attempt at a worlds first. #beenahellofaride give me a few years to get my body working while I play on 4 wheels.. and then maybe, just maybe, I’ll be back to finish this 👍 

See how it all unfolded below: