Ferrandis on his Southwick win

Dylan Ferrandis rode a brilliant first moto to take an “easy” win in his own words but had to nurse his bike home in race two after it started steaming early in race one – mush to the frustration of Ferrandis who then couldn’t go with Tomac and even had to let Roczen beat him for second as he settled for his fourth overall win of the sea out of five,

“It was a crazy day at Southwick! I was feeling great in the first moto, having no one in front of me and having clean googles and no sand in my face. So it was a pretty easy moto from what I’m used to, not having to fight with the guys from behind. The track was really hard to manage. It was a technical track, really rough, and not the same style of sand track that I’m used to in Europe. I’m happy to get the overall win, but we could have been better in Moto 2. We still get to keep the red plate which is really good for me and the team.”

“For sure I was aware,” said Ferrandis on his bike steaming. “The team showed me on the pit-board early in the moto to save the bike. I think Eli was putting gate pressure on me I just want to go faster and forget the technique and be smart on the bike then I made a small mistake and he passed me and it took me a while to get the flow on the track. I was riding good I think I was coming back on Ken, then I had a small tip-over on the back of the track. I wanted to beat Ken so bad, I saw an opportunity to gain points in the championship, but the team really pushed me to save the bike and keep this third position and to get the overall. It’s hard, I’m a bit frustrated because I didn’t give everything I had. It’s hard sometimes when you can go faster but have to slow down to save the bike.”

Image: Doug Turney